As a business owner it’s common to wear a number of different hats. Sometimes you’re not just the director but also the marketing guru, the IT wiz and even the HR manager. Doing it all can become overwhelming, especially when things go wrong.
Effective HR management is critical within any company. The cost of a bad hire can reach high into the tens of thousands, and it’s vital to stay on top of current legislation. So what do you do when you can’t justify hiring a full-time HR manager, or can’t find the right person to fill the role but you need help? You outsource it.
Here’s 4 common signs you should consider outsourcing HR services for your business;
1. You’re not up to date with employment laws
Employment laws, regulations and pay rates change every year. It’s hard to keep up to date. It can also be difficult to interpret pay awards if you’ve never had to do it before. One wrong pay rate can lead to a number of problems.
2. You need to save time
People management is complex and time consuming. It can be even more time consuming if you don’t know what you’re doing, and there’s definitely no room for mistakes. If you’re spending too much time trying to manage your staff and not enough time growing the business, it’s definitely time to consider outsourcing HR.
3. You feel like your staff are managing you
Sometimes it seems that the staff are managing you, rather than the other way around. An experienced HR manager can help you to get the best from your staff with people management strategies. This will allow you to run your business, and have your people on board to achieving what you want them to deliver.
4. You want to increase employee satisfaction
Sound people management strategies can help attract top talent, engage staff and stem any absenteeism and turnover issues you may be facing.
If you’d like to know more about how HRM can assist with outsourced HR Services, call us on 07 5430 7750.