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Effective people management – creates and innovates

HR is always striving to break away from the myth that HR management is about compliance and policing workplace practices. In reality, it should be where the least time is spent in managing people.

Effective people management should create and innovate. Dave Ulrich sums this up in a great quote – “Rather than lament what has been, insightful HR professionals should anticipate and create what can be.”

Your HR manager or consultant should not only be providing appropriate advice about dealing with the current HR issues in your business, but they should be constantly thinking innovatively about the future of your workforce and building a foundation that supports your vision for the organisation.

Operationally, people management can be consuming, but the return for your business will only be fully realised when your HR professional is anticipating your future workforce needs, and creatively structuring your people management tools and resources with this future in mind.

We have provided support and advice for many businesses, but what we find generates the best result for an organisation investing in HR is when we fully understand the future vision for the business.

Then we can partner with the leaders of the organisation to creatively design and develop innovative people-based solutions, that are specifically tailored towards supporting the achievement of that vision.

Like any part of your business, moving from transactional and operational activities to being innovative and strategic can be challenging, but this shift will certainly ensure your workforce will be growing with you to provide sustainability and growth for your overall business.

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