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Strategies For Success

Being in the people business, I can’t go past another opportunity to write about how “people” are a key strategy for success. I strongly believe the success in running any business that employs people lies in having the right people, with the right capability in the right place at the right time. If all of these ingredients are in the mix at the same time, then with the right business plan to support those people, success is almost guaranteed.

Think about the last time you had someone in your workplace who wasn’t the ‘right person’.  Whether it is about their ability to do the job or about their attitude, either way, I would imagine it did not end well. Or if they are still in your business, I’m sure you are squirming as you read this because you know they aren’t the ‘right person’ but they are still there and you know it is impacting your ability to be successful.

Now reflect on when you feel you have been most successful, or imagine yourself at your most successful – your all-time business high. How did you get there, were you surrounded by the ‘right people, with the right capability in the right place’? This sounds simple but it is more than just finding the right person, it is also about making sure they align to your values and culture (ie, they are in the right place), it is about being in the right job, that matches their capability. There are many factors that impact on fulfilling this strategy for success: ‘right people, with the right capability in the right place at the right time’. So just think about your team and consider whether you need to do some people planning and review your workforce to set yourself up for future success.

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